It was reported ages ago that Toyota’s next-generation Supra (or A90) will be powered by a BMW sourced, 335HP, inline six-cylinder, 3.0 liter, turbocharged engine (a modified version of its B58 powerplant). However, what you might not be aware of is that the famed Japanese automobile manufacturer will also be offering a second model of the Supra utilizing another BMW motor; the four-cylinder B48. Like the B58, it’s also turbocharged, however weighing in with a humble 2.0L of displacement, it’s significantly smaller, lacking two whole pistons compared to its big brother and obviously makes a bit less pony-power; 262HP to be exact. It’s not 335HP (to be honest, in the days of GTRs, Hellcats, Demons, and LS-powered cars all hitting above the 400HP mark right off of the showroom floor, 335 stock power isn’t all that to brag about), but still enough to have some fun with.
Of course, this move will make available a slightly more affordable model for purchase. It’s been confirmed that both the six and four-cylinder options will be using ZF automatic transmissions. Sadly, at the moment it’s unclear whether a fully manual transmission option will be offered down the line, but we can pray.
Toyota Supra A90 at Goodwood Pratt Pratt2018-07-20 14:40:002018-07-22 10:04:53Street Racing Illustrated | Toyota to offer 4-cylinder option in next Supra
On a perfect weather night where we saw the return of Rob and his thousand-plus horsepower Supra to Street Racing Made Safe, MPI’s GTR making a 195 MPH pass and Frustrate running something close to eight seconds in his AWD EG hatch; you’d think it was a night the racers and spectators won… but no. With well over 15 broken axels on both front wheel and rear wheel drive cars, the biggest winner was Palm Beach International Raceway’s freshly paved, professionally prepped (perhaps a bit over-prepped?) track. It conquered both the amateur and the experienced, built and daily-driven, leaving some to load up their trailers earlier or call for a tow truck. We all love the action, but racers, seriously… if you drove to the park from a great distance, perhaps it’s best not to dig in the car that got you there? Despite the spattering of hold-ups due to having to push crippled cars off the track, it was still a great night of power. While they weren’t able to get too much into the Dig List Top Ten, I think everyone in attendance did learn a valuable lesson; while building your racecar, don’t neglect your axels.
SRMS 03.24.18 | The MPI GTR before it made a 195MPH pass
SRMS 03.24.18 | Daniel Frustrate lining up for a call-out on the Dig List
SRMS 03.24.18 | Digs in high demand
SRMS 03.24.18 | Cousins
SRMS 03.24.18 | The view most see of this car
SRMS 03.24.18 | MPI GTR sitting scary
SRMS 03.24.18 | Perfect FWD burn-out. Think it broke too.
SRMS 03.24.18 | Mustang warming up the rubber
SRMS 03.24.18 | Beautiful weather
SRMS 03.24.18 | Rob in the lanes alongside the MPI GTR
SRMS 03.24.18 | Javi’s RSX
SRMS 03.24.18 | Lanes were jam-packed
SRMS 03.24.18 | Some of fastest Bikes in SoFlo Pratt Pratt2018-03-27 13:25:372018-05-06 09:56:48Street Racing Illustrated | SRMS 03.24.18
SRMS, CLRDHOT and 4×4 Alliance team-up to bring you Cars and Coffee Key Biscayne
Story | Phillip Pratt
Photos | Peter Castle
Cars and Coffee Key Biscayne | 4×4 Alliance reppin’ what their culture is all about.
The name “Cars and Coffee” has become something of an international tradition. You can deduce the nature of the event merely by its name. To boil it down to it’s simplest definition, it’s a type of morning car meet. Typically, if not exclusively, held on weekends. If done right, it can attract hundreds of enthusiasts for miles around. The largest in the nation is held monthly in West Palm Beach. A great event but it can be quite a ride for most of South Florida (45 minutes to more than an hour for some). That’s where SRMS, 4×4 Alliance and CLRDHOT come in. With the breathtaking views of Miami’s waterfront at their backs, combined with the historic and famous site of the Seaquarium, “Cars and Coffee Key Biscayne” was built. While it’s not the first event to bare the name, with these three entities working together, it has the potential to challenge any other meet in the tri-county area. Either way, we win.
Cars & Coffee Key Biscayne | Brought out cars from all walks…
Cars & Coffee Key Biscayne | Got to love a clean Z
Cars & Coffee Key Biscayne | Proof that we all can co-exist
Cars & Coffee Key Biscayne | This is Key Biscayne, after all
Cars & Coffee Key Biscayne | Lamborghini distracting from the Miami Beach backdrop.
Cars & Coffee Key Biscayne | Beautiful Lotus melting into the morning sky.
From humble beginnings to becoming one of the most reputable tuners and JDM importers in the area
Story | Phillip Pratt
Photos | Clifton Hernandez / Wendy Evans
Tony Folks, owner | Island Boy Tuning
Down here in South Florida there are a few shops that are universally acknowledged as ‘reputable’ if you ask people that are in the know; Drag, AG, WRXperts and the topic of the day; Island Boy Tuning, also known sinply as IBT. Started in Plantation, Florida in 2006, tucked away in a row of bays off of Peters Road, it was a bit hard to see from the street, or even know it’s there unless you’re already looking for it. For all the initially perceived clutter within, the shop is immaculately kept in order. Seriously, you can eat off these floors (Disclaimer: probably not a great idea to eat off any floor)!
Walking into the left side of IBT, which encompasses four bays, you’d probably scoff at the shelves filled with random ‘dirty’ alternators, oil pumps, and starters, not to mention the smattering of complete engines decorating the space. That is until you realize it’s not so random. Everything is in its place alongside others of its kind and that those power plants are all fully operational. Who created this controlled-chaos? None other than Jamaican born, Landris “Tony” Folkes the mechanic, mastermind, Renaissance-man, and the proprietor of IBT.
1JZ Swapped IS300 | Island Boy Tuning
I have to admit, when the idea of featuring IBT was brought up, I recognized the shop as a place that builds and maintains some sick Hondas. That short-sighted view was quickly put to pasture, and not just by the three 1JZ-VVTI engines within the shop (one of which was quietly nestled inside the body of a white 94’ BMW like it belonged there), but by Tony himself that wasn’t shy about making sure I understood that he’s not just a ‘Honda guy’. After seeing some of his past projects, such as a one-thousand horsepower Supra that he built from the floor up himself, to refer to him as ‘just a Honda guy’ would be paying him a disservice. With that said, he still builds and maintains some sick Hondas!
Passion isn’t just skin deep | Island Boy Tuning
As Tony walked my photographer and me through some old projects and talked to us about his sixteen-year long career as a mechanic which humbly began in the driveway of his home in 2004, I gradually realized that this gentleman truly loves what he does. He lives and breathes for it. Assuming the IBT logo tattooed on his forearm didn’t say enough, that is. It’s not about the money at this point. He takes great pride in what he does.
“…humbly began in the driveway of his home in 2004”
The fact that IBT has survived as long as it has while others have come and gone, is a testament to that. While showing us how he’d rather take the time to gravity bleed a radiator, than taking shortcuts, he simply proclaimed to us that he ‘gives a damn’ about what he puts out on the road. It’s a fact that’s also well known to his customers and peers. When asked if he has any designs on competing at track events such as Street Racing Made Safe’s ‘Top 10 List’, he laughed and confessed to us that any time he finishes a build for himself or as a showpiece for the shop, he immediately receives offers on it, often before it’s even complete.
JZ swapping the world | Island Boy Tuning
That was exactly the case with the aforementioned 1156whp Supra, as well as an IS300 wagon love project that he converted to a manual transmission. If that wasn’t enough ‘wow factor’ for a potential buyer, Tony then dropped in a 1JZ power plant and custom installed a pair of Supra brake calipers. A feat that he nonchalantly referred to as “easy”. Tony doesn’t limit himself to South Florida, or even this hemisphere. He habitually travels to the Land of the Rising Sun to source his own engines and other sweet, sweet, authentic pieces of JDM goodness. Walking the streets there, Tony was surprised to find that his YouTube antics of starting engines on the floor of his shop had garnered him some measure of fame among the tuner community there. “One time, while I was out buying, some guy came up to me with his phone…” Tony remembers “it was me on YouTube cranking one of my motors!”
Island Boy Tuning
Tony is as enthusiastic about building monsters as he is maintaining the IBT culture, which I can honestly say is beautiful to witness. During our visit with him, he invited a couple of friends, who, in reality, are customers, but you wouldn’t guess that by the way they talk and joke around. Everyone that was there seemed more like family and old friends. The only thing missing was a grill and a drunk uncle’s inaccurate tales of yesteryear. Frankie Lugo, the proud owner of a 2JZ-swapped, IS300, built by IBT, makes the drive all the way up from Miami, as he refuses to let anyone else touch his car. “I met [Tony] through my brother…” Frankie recalled. “He had an Accord with a Prelude motor, a swap he told me Tony did in a single day.”
When Frankie visited IBT for the first time and met its proprietor, he described Tony as being down to earth. That he took the time to explain everything he could do for him, and his then stock Lexus, sporting nothing more than a K&N filter. “He didn’t try to sell me on anything.” From that point, it’s all history. The two collaborated on building one of the most unassuming sleepers this side of the Pacific Ocean. “I trust him,” Frankie remarks. “My wife and I may be relocating in the near future, further up the East coast… I’ll ship my car to Tony. It’s more than a client/ customer relationship.”
Island Boy Tuning
That kind of loyalty doesn’t come cheap. Scrolling through Facebook reviews, you’ll find nothing but shining testimonies of satisfied customers and not just from the tuner community. He lovingly performs maintenance on everyday commuters with the same fervor he does 1000hp highway-killing machines. Being an IBT customer comes with more than a guarantee of first-rate service. It includes an invitation to become part of the family. Even with lasting success and a laundry list of incredibly built cars Tony, remains humble and welcoming to new customers and challenges. Something that other equally fruitful establishments can forget from time to time.
“My first car was an 88’ Civic DX… I respect the guy who owns a hatch’ the same way as another with a GTR because, at one point, I was that guy.”
Since the writing of this article, Tony and IBT have moved out of their Plantation digs and journeyed a bit south to the Town of Davie and settled into a new 4000sgft facility, located at 5420 W State Rd 84 #2-6 (Davie, FL 33314). Do yourself a favor and go check Island Boy Tuning out!
Instagram: @ibtuning
Ph: (954) 704-3988 Pratt Pratt2018-01-04 18:17:532018-01-08 19:30:37Street Racing Illustrated | "Bigger than Business"
A generationally owned MK3 Supra that is more than just eye – candy
Story | Phillip Pratt
Photos | Phillip Pratt / Gerald Burke
Daryl’s 1989 MKIII Supra
Getting bit by the “car bug” as a young adult is a hallowed time. A fresh license and a newfound sense of freedom. Nothing like it. Still, there is something to be said by having it ingrained into your upbringing. It’s more than just an adopted culture or learned habit. It’s a lifestyle. It’s your breath, your every thought and only real concern. Nowadays with social media feeding us new ideas and inspirations every minute of the day, video games, and cinema; it’s even more encompassing. It allows perspective tuners to immerse themselves in the lifestyle while they are still deciding whether they want to reach the pedals or see over the steering wheel while playing in their parent’s parked car. Daryl Seepersad is such a person and his 1JZ – swapped MKIII Supra is all the better for it.
Daryl’s 1989 MKIII Supra
The 1989 base model Toyota in question originally belonged to his father, the proprietor of Lincoln Auto Body Creations (also known as ‘LAB Creations’). The family – owned operation helped incubate Daryl’s passion, while dreams of driving the Supra and making it his own, lit his imagination aflame. Growing up in what many would incorrectly consider being the “millennial age”, Daryl, like most of us, embraced simulator games such as “Need for Speed” as well as movies, namely the “The Fast and the Furious” franchise. While some may scoff at such a thing, don’t be so short – sighted.
Daryl’s 1989 MKIII Supra
Being able to constantly reconfigure hyper-realistic digital models helped do what many of us couldn’t; avoid the pitfalls of ‘trial and error’. It was on these games that Daryl, with the help of the good people at LAB Creations, created and laid on thick coats of custom paint he named “Japanese Sunrise” on his Toyota. If you came to the conclusion that the spicy orange he painted the Supra originated from his exposure to the original ‘Fast and Furious’ movie, you’d be right. Daryl has a deep admiration and appreciation of what the movie series did for the tuner culture, especially Paul Walker
“[he] was my idol…” Daryl remembers. “I wanted to be just like him.”
Daryl’s 1989 MKIII Supra
His journey from dreamer to owner wasn’t without its difficulties, however. He junked his first car (a PT Cruiser) while boosting 24psi. It was at that point where he probably chose to take things a bit more seriously. After acquiring the not – to – stock MKIII from his father, he decided on the now vaunted 2500cc 1JZ VVTi motor. Seeing as the engine was only native to Japan and Australia at the time of sourcing, there was little to no aftermarket or even OEM support stateside. Thanks to some custom manufacturing and ordering some key parts from Japan, by way of Texas, Daryl and his mechanic Andrew Gibbs, were able to give the Supra a second life.
1JZ swapped 1989 MKIII Supra
The fully built ARP block is stuffed with CP 9:1 compression pistons among other pieces. The head sports a set of Brian Crower titanium springs and retainers. The ports are gasket matched on both the intake and exhaust sides and hold a custom made exhaust manifold. A Borgwarner S366 turbo makes the power for the Supra, as a Tial wastegate and BOV expel excess pressure from the system keeping it safe and under control. Fuel is adequately delivered the 1JZ with a Sard fuel rail and Injector Dynamics ID1300cc stainless injectors and controlled with an Aeromotive regulator.
Engine management is taken care of by a Professional EFI Systems Pro128 unit that offers everything from ignition timing to two-step launch control. Making sure all the power finds its way to the floor is a R1 54 tranny built by drivetrain experts, Marlin Crawler, while a Competition Stage – 5 clutch, Weir differential and aluminum flywheel with ARP fasteners, help with the transfer of power.
Daryl’s 1989 MKIII Supra
Daryl’s Supra sits on a classic set of staggered 18” Volk GTC wheels, w rapped in Achilles ATR Sport 2 tires. For racing duty, Daryl switches the rubber to MT Slicks. Tucked behind those legendary rims are Brembo brakes, which reliably accept the vehicles’ stopping duties. With the rolling stock taken care of, Daryl chose a se t of Megan Trak Pro coilovers to keep his MKIII securely floating over the pavement, while a combination of ST and Cusco braces sure – up the chassis. Adding that extra bit of strength and security to the suspension are Battle Version cambers and toe arms.
Daryl’s 1989 MKIII Supra
Getting back to that “Japanese Sunrise” paint we spoke of earlier, I believe it’s safe to say these photos don’t do it any justice. From afar the paint can appear to be red, especially out of direct light. It’s not until you get a bit closer is it obvious that the Supra sports that fantastic pearlescent orange. Underneath the oceans of color is a custom made hood and handcrafted, metal, wide – body that gives the Toyota a much beefier look than you would find in its stock form. Again, all done in-house by LAB Creations.
1989 MIII Toyota Supra
From the dreams of a video game playing, movie watching, kid, to the envy of any who see it, this vision of an MKIII Toyota Supra is more than a project to Daryl. It is a hallmark of creativity, ingenuity and a reminder of how far he and his family have come. Like he acquired it from his father, Daryl plans to pass the Supra down to his son or daughter in kind, but don’t worry, he’s not rushing things “Until that happens I plan to enjoy it!”
Daryl’s 1989 MKIII Supra
Instagram: @disisntdaryl
1989 MIII Toyota Supra
1989 MIII Toyota Supra
1989 MIII Toyota Supra
1989 MIII Toyota Supra
1989 MIII Toyota Supra
1989 MIII Toyota Supra
1989 MIII Toyota Supra
1989 MIII Toyota Supra
1989 MIII Toyota Supra
1989 MIII Toyota Supra
1989 MIII Toyota Supra
1989 MIII Toyota Supra
1989 MIII Toyota Supra
1989 MIII Toyota Supra Pratt Pratt2018-01-04 17:30:332018-01-08 19:43:22Street Racing Illustrated | "For the Love"
Event coverage from the Wekfest show hosted in West Palm Beach
Story | Phillip Pratt
Photos | Phillip Pratt
If you’ve ever been to a Wekfest car show, you know it’s just that. A car show. Not a 2 – step competition, B-boy contest, freestyle rap battle or a “fashion show” (which inevitably involves bottles of water. Cold bottles of water). It’s an event that puts the cars at the center of attention at every step of the way. It’s become a yearend show in South Florida that brings in cars from all over the state, and from each subculture within the hobby. Enthusiasts break themselves for days in preparation and it shows as each vehicle on the floor is lovingly and meticulously detailed until the convention center’s LED lighting fixtures blindingly glisten off fresh paint and the well-oiled surfaces of low-profile tires. This year’s offering wasn’t anything less than awe-inspiring as the room was crammed wall-to-wall with some of Florida’s (and beyond) best.